Monday, January 26, 2009

Week in Review Part 3

I feel I am getting geekier by the second.

I embarked on another essay:


"...signs point beyond themselves by communicating information necessary for orientation in an ever more complex world."

There isn't a strong connection to the digital in this piece, given that he is talking about automobile technology and space, but I found that it related if you consider the navigation of the digital, the virtual and the cyber spaces.
The more complex these spaces get, the more important it will be to communicate information. That will be the new architecture in that space: information architecture (this idea has surfaced in my research before but I have yet to truly discuss it).

"The very proximity of self and machine creates an insurmountable distance between self and world."

This quotation jumped out b/c it was dead on in terms of my criticism of the uses of digital technology. Proximity. The more intense your relationship is with digitech, the less intense your relationship becomes with the physical. The physical in terms of spatial relationships and personal relationships.
I later began to think about this in a different way as well. To what end do the latter ideas affect global relationships in this current global world? I think there is an even greater distancing, despite the availability of global information, between what is going on in different countries and the caste systems within these economies. I ask this simply because I see a correlation between wealth and connectivity. Can the poverty stricken relate their experiences to the world? Can those who face injustice reveal their hardships? Where is the truth? Can it be revealed using this medium or will it simply be drowned beneath layers of hyper advertisements and virtual fantasy worlds?

Can an architectural project embody a solution?

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