Monday, January 26, 2009

Week in Review Part 2

Another reading for a week or so ago...from the post-2nd Life era


"...cyberspace is outside the physical complex of matter-space-time (the basics of reality/totality of the real)..."

I found interesting how she approached the historical definition of reality and contrasted it with the idea of cyberspace. She tied in a great deal of what "the soul" means and how cyberspace may be the place where it (the soul) could re-find itself.

Cyberspace provides a home for the psyche, the "I".

"The body may be sitting in the chair, fingers tapping at the keyboard, but unleashed into the quasi-infinite ocean of the internet, the location of the self can no longer be fixed purely in physical space. Just where the self is in cyberspace is a question yet to be answered, but clearly it cannot be pinned down to a mathematical location in Euclidean, or even relativistic spaces..."

This quote partly illustrates my thinking when I created my probe. Although I was more critiquing our personal behavior, there is a question of the "where" upon one's entry into the realm of the digital.

" immortality in cyberspace..."

She introduces the idea of immortality as well which I found interesting as it came up twice in my far.

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