Saturday, March 28, 2009

Models of diagrammatic forms on the site with ideas of redirecting flows and enveloping the site with forms reflecting the concept of networks.

Clear plastic model

Images of a plexiglass model of the sub-surface levels of the redline, silverline, and the mbta ticket lobby. An exaggerated vertical scale highlights the passages of circulation: stairs, escalators and elevator shafts. (The surface portion of this model is still under construction)

Taking a closer view of the site, I outlined pedestrian trajectories through the site and diagrammatically isolated the spaces in between. I am trying to map the spaces to look at locations of intersection and spaces that could be considered voids.

Diagram of the pedestrian movement (inflow and outflow) over the site and throught the sectional levels of the MBTA station below the surface.

Early site intervention ideas.

Use, by times of the day in a typical week, of the transportation networks (pedestrian, surface roads, redline subway, silverline subway, central artery tunnel) around the Dewey Square site.

Investigation of networks in three different geographic locations (places I've lived) at various scales.

Analog networks - plug in

In the olden days, networks relied on the human to identify and make the connections for the networks to operate. Human processors. We can now connect without the assistance of a connector. Contemporary networks are always plugged in, they simply need to be activated.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Diagrams - Network Concepts

Diagrams of network concepts: board containing the development of centralized and nodal networks - with the addresses without roads diagram; the web tree (source nodes provide constant connectivity and access, feeding a hierarchy of nodes); social networking; blog network stream.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


These sketches/diagrams depict networks in the built environment. This initiative was based on Monday's discussion*. These are specific diagrams about networks within buildings. I was looking for diagrams of networks in the built environment and this is where I started. Not sure I'm getting to the point. I hope it can lead me to a clearer definition of what a network is in building terms. I think I'll try again.

*Our discussion was based on the review (the hot topic was for me to find what is essential about this project) and we talked about defining what a network is, and, what a network is in building terms. In addition, I want to ask:
-What constitutes a network?
-What drives it?
-What are the elements?
-How can it be challenged?
Combing all of the above will then help answer: how does this affect the site?
And further: how can this fill the 'gap' (the essential)?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Eye candy

Tunnel House

This is just something fun to look at. Also, read the comments below, which are funny as well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is one of several figure ground studies.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The T

Site Photographs

I intend to visit the site and take my own pics but until then I've pieced together some montages to get a few views of my selected site.